Every water system should have a filter built in that is easy to clean. For that purpose, a bypass should be installed that allows the cleaning of the filter while water is supplied to the machines. Just imagine you would have to shut down the whole plant because the filter clogged up!
When it comes to choice of mold material, a strong Aluminum alloy with Beryllium-Copper neck, bottom and handle inserts is still the most cost effective solution. For smaller PVC parts, I recommend molds made completely from Beryllium-Copper. The higher cost is justified as these molds will stand up much better to corrosive stress from the hydro-chloric acid that is released during PVC production. I do not see much sense in Stainless Steel PVC blow molds because the heat transfer rate of Stainless Steel is so poor.
Good practice is to have the outlet connections bigger than the inlet connections and never install fittings that act as orifices just because they were handy at the time. Have the proper fittings specified at the time of the mold purchase to make sure they are available when the mold is being installed.
Summary of my recommendations:
90 psi water pressure
Monitor pressure and delta T on each machine, look for a delta T of 3º F
Raise the water temperature during times of high humidity, do not reduce flow
Add no more than 3% anti-freeze to your water system